Who Is Jumana?

My experience includes both entrepreneurship and working in the corporate world. The process of transformation has been central to my existence. The revelations experienced in these pivotal moments are essential to moving forward in an aligned manner. I left a comfortable career in corporate to serve on a more expansive scale. My mission is to provide support to organizational and entrepreneurial leaders aiming to thrive amidst significant collective market shifts.

 I empower business leaders and organizations to achieve transformative growth and unlock unparalleled opportunities by guiding them through my Accelerated Business Transformation Process. This includes one-on-one sessions and workshops designed to resolve inner and external conflicts, align their business strategies with their core values, and uncover actionable steps towards freedom, abundance, and prosperity.

What I do and how?

In our personalized one-on-one sessions, you'll transcend the ordinary and break free from stagnation, igniting transformative growth by mastering both internal and external conflicts, in only one hour. This will unlock your full potential and maximize opportunities through your business. We dive deep into an empowered connection with your business, employing a unique blend of energetics that merges the ethereal with the practical. As a business leader, you will discover, leverage, and synchronize your innate genius with the consciousness of your business. This transformative process provides rapid insights into your business's needs and aspirations, revealing a treasure map towards freedom, abundance, and prosperity. It presents an opportunity for aligned action that amplifies your business's potential from a place of magnetism. For more information on these sessions, including how to reach out with questions, please see below.

The workshops, on the other hand, provide a more structured environment. They are designed to facilitate a collective journey towards transforming conflict into a catalyst for growth, enabling groups and organizations to unlock and maximize opportunities for success. To learn more about how we can tailor our services to meet your organization's specific needs, please contact me using the Let’s Work Together Button above.

*Sign up for next workshop.

Both avenues are crafted to revitalize your business approach, offering distinct but complementary paths to not just navigate but thrive through both inner and external conflict, steering your organization towards unprecedented growth and success. Let's embark on this transformative journey together, reshaping the way you engage with challenges and unlock the full potential of your business.

Imagine igniting the path forward for your business by addressing and transforming misalignments into a driving force for growth in business. My Accelerated Business Transformation Process offers both one-on-one sessions and structured workshops tailored to groups and organizations committed to growth through the transformation of both inner and external conflict.  

One-Hour Accelerated Business Transformation Sessions

Packages available for Entrepreneurs and Organizational Partners. Please email me to assess what would be best for your business needs.

  • ➤ Enhanced clarity on what to prioritize in your business

    ➤ Actionable steps that are practical and achievable

    ➤ Aligned decisions that are consistent with the goals and vision of your business

    ➤ Strategies for developing or expanding your market including products and services

    ➤ A revitalized perspective and enthusiasm for your business

  • ➤ Clarify business purpose, mission, and vision

    ➤ Opportunities for products and services

    ➤ Sales and marketing prospects

    ➤ Business growth forecasts

    ➤ Conflict resolution strategies

    ➤ Challenge areas and how to maximize productivity

    ➤ Staffing optimization

    ➤ Growth opportunities such as partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions